Thursday 3 April 2008

Moment in Time with Lovely Thoughts

On this first warm spring sunny day I have been lost in my own little creative world happily painting and I have completed a little jewel like miniature painting .... Blossom being my inspiration and muse....

I have started a little story for this painting :....

....... While flying  from meadow to meadow in a far far away place, Blossom the newly hatched Sheltie fairy puppy noticed something very small on the ground, Blossom said to herself, 'hmmmm, I did not know there were smaller creatures than myself !' with that thought her brand new sparkling wings took Blossom swiftly down to her first encounter with Ruby the ladybird ........

The slide show can be started by clicking onto the x on the right hand side of the 'slide box' you can also turn off or pause the music...hope you like :O)


OBay Shelties said...

ahhh so cute!

Lian said...

Very sweet!

Karen said...

very very cute !

Snoopy said...

Thank you for your lovely comments so nice to have great feedback...
